Monday, October 25, 2010

Burn After Reading

Here's a blog for people who love to read. I think I read a lot more than some people, and maybe less than a few others, but I'll try to keep this site's content fresh and the reviews coming.

This site is also for people who are itching to share their ideas and feelings about the books they read. I'm a borderline compulsive reader (if I can't find books, I'll turn to the backs of cereal boxes and shampoo bottles), and too often I find friends who just aren't interested in discussing books. We'll be looking at new releases, old titles, the good, the bad, and the terrible--and avoiding the kind of tedious navel-gazing you'll find in some literary blogs and publications.

If you have an opinion on a book mentioned in this site, if you disagree with my opinion, or if you want to recommend a book for review on this site, please speak up and post a response! All comments are welcome. Thanks for visiting. Come again soon.

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